This page contains downloads that walkers may find useful when planning their walk.
It is recommended that you right click the file icon and select “Save As…” to save the download to a file on your local machine. Simply left clicking the file icon may open the file directly.
These files include the full Herriot Way route in a couple of different formats. The MMO files are for ‘Memory Map’ users only and the GPX files will work with most modern GPS handheld devices, or navigation apps on your mobile phone, like Memory Map or the Ordnance Survey app.
A file for the Memory Map v5 and v6 users out there. The whole route broken down into five separate days, with several hundred waypoints in each day.
A generic GPX file for GPS devices and digital mapping apps. The whole route broken down into five separate days, with several hundred waypoints in each day.
If the consolidated GPX file causes problems in your mapping app, download this file and extract five separate GPX files, one for each day. You will need a zip extraction app.
A file for the Memory Map v5 and v6 users out there. All the OS Grid References identified in the book, in a single GPX file.
A generic GPX file for GPS devices and digital mapping apps. All the OS Grid References identified in the book, in a single GPX file.
Here are a couple of useful tools for GPS owners. These may help manipulate the files in this section into something more specific for your requirements. These are provided without any sort of support.
A Microsoft Excel-based tool for converting waypoints between several different mapping formats, including Ordnance Survey Grid Reference, Memory Map, Anquet and Latitude/Longitude.
The ultimate GPS file manipulation tool. The current list of supported formats runs into dozens and maybe even the hundreds. If you can’t find the format you need here then stop looking!